Pulse Pounding Adventure Stories No.1

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  1. PULSE POUNDING ADVENTURE STORIES No. 1 - A black Ink and black pencil drawing on a 11 x 14 size coquille board. It appears on the cover of, "Pulse Pounding Adventure Stories, 1"

    Publisher and editor Robert Price must have had a lot of fun coming up with titles for his "Cryptic Publications" fanzines. During the 1980s he probably produced around 100 titles before he stopped doing them. They were priced from $3 to $4.50 each, with print runs of usually 500 copies per issue. They show up nowadays on eBay with winning bids as high as $50 to $150 or more.

    Bob not only paid me for the cover art, he also gave me 5 complimentary copies of each title, and I just gave them away to my friends. So let's see, if I had held onto those free copies I would now have over 100 issues, and if I put them all on eBay with a starting bid of about $50 each. . . Ouch!

    I should have known better! When I was a kid I also gave away, or traded, my comic books; the first issues of Action Comics, Batman, Superman, I had them all! What I did not have at that age was the smarts to know that someday they would all be worth a fortune!

    Do you know how depressed I am about this? Not only did I have all those early comic books, I also had dozens of the very first baseball trading cards produced in the 1920s and 1930s; Honus Wagner, Christy Mathewson, Babe Ruth, on and on, all worth a lot of money today. I even had a Pete Gray baseball card. Do you know who "Pete Gray" is? He was a one-armed baseball player who made it to the Major Leagues in 1945. He played for the St. Louis Browns. My oh my, the wonderful things I owned as a kid, and just gave away . . . -

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